Heart Healthy Breakfast
Starting your day with a heart-healthy breakfast is a powerful step in caring for your cardiovascular well-being. Here are five tips to help you maintain a diet that supports heart health:
Opt for Whole Grains
Incorporate Lean Proteins
Add Fruits and Veggies
Limit Sugars and Unhealthy Fats
Stay Hydrated
A heart-healthy breakfast doesn't just support your cardiovascular system; it sets the tone for nutritious choices throughout the entire day. We have a simple, healthy breakfast to keep you on your way to a healthier heart and a happier you!
Ruvi's Overnight Oats
1/4 cup organic rolled oats
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1 tablespoon chia seeds
1 tablespoon shredded coconut
2 tablespoons of sliced almonds
1/3 cup unsweetened oat milk (unsweetened almond milk will also work)
1/4 cup plain greek yogurt
1 tsp. maple syrup or honey
Mix all ingredients together well.
Add to a container to chill overnight in the refrigerator. Keep in mind you can make this in bulk, it will hold for up to a week!
Top with your favorite heart healthy toppings. We love blueberries, cacao nibs and strawberries!
Enjoy with Ruvi Active for a heart healthy breakfast!
Yields 1 serving
Recipe by Ruvi Team Chef Madison Banks